I like to write erotic stories about gay guys being glorious gay. Not always the flashy Birdhouse type of stories, but the curious touching in the dark or those first nervous dates coming out as a new gay. I also have a thing for cross-dressing, huge doms and tiny twinks, size queens, and werewolves (but never about the undead, I hate vampires with a passion).

What you won't find in my stories: rape, bestality, incest, scat, vomit, and cliffhangers. I do like dubious consent, mostly in regards to werewolves having a “wrestling” matches to exert dominance.

I try to tag all the content warnings on the individual pages. I don't like surprises when I read things and I think it is rude not to give anyone a head's up just in case they aren't into first time or dildo play.


Chicago Werewolves

Deep in the underbelly of Chicago, packs of werewolves fight for dominance between each other and among the members of their own packs. There is a constant struggle to determine who is on top… and who is going to be their bitch.

  • Series

Getting Inside

Ever since he got to college and moved into the dorm rooms, Ty hasn't had a chance to enjoy a little quiet time. So when the teacher canceled class on a blustery cold day, Ty jumped at the opportunity to crawl into bed and get himself in hand. But, even that wasn't enough and he decided to try out his toy again and see if he could finally get it inside him. But, before he could, his roommate came back…

Getting Inside

  • Story
  • 8,728
  • 33 minutes
  • Completed

The New Trainer

After years of staring at reports, Marcus had let his body go. He was overweight but had no will to actually work out. He even had a membership to the gym downstairs, but long hours and fast food made it hard to stir up the energy. At least until one night, when he needed a break, he started watching a movie in front of the treadmills and one of the personal trainers caught him.

The New Trainer

  • Story
  • 8,580
  • 33 minutes
  • Completed

The Russian Landlord

For a young man living alone and struggling, having a domineering landlord would have been difficult, but Chase wasn't expecting how much the Russian man would worm into his life, nor how deep the submissive hole that Chase quickly found himself in.

  • Series

Under the Desk

Chris had been a dutiful worker on a toy factory for three years. He punched his clock, did his work, and went home alone. Forced to work in silence, his thoughts grew toward curiosity of his blossoming sexuality and the realization that he found men attractive, not women. Videos helped him find his submissive side, but in a small rural town, he couldn't do anything besides watch videos and dream.

Under the Desk

  • Story
  • 10,600
  • 40 minutes
  • Completed


2023-09-10 - Site Redesign

As part of a general refresh of Curious Cabbit websites, there is a new site design that has Atom feeds and more responsive handling for phones.

  • Post
  • Post
  • Post

2014-11-01 - Pack Dominance

  • Post
  • Post

2014-09-14 - A Snog for Sommer

  • Post

For older news, you can look at the archive.


Beyond that, please enjoy my writing and thanks to Curious Cabbit for publishing my stories and hosting my website.